Hello there

Hello there

It have been a while since the last time I upload pictures. There were so many events in between the last upload and now. Mom was ill, passed away, I was in mourn, I was hospitalized, had surgery, back to work, depress from lack of achievement and so on. I left my  camera behind and struggle with life and its issues.

Tonight I look back some of my pictures and decided I need to start to do it again and set back for a while. I need to realise that I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer and need to relax and accept it.


Lady bug on Bunga Pukul 4, morning Glory, Mirabilis jalapa

Took this picture several months ago near my home. When I was kid, this plant, Mirabilis jalapa, was everywhere. I love to pick the black frit, the mature one, and play with it. Sometimes I crushed the fruit and used the powder as face powder. The ladybug is another toy. saw it plenty and I would catch them based on their colors or spots. Love to see them. So when I saw this lady bug on Mirabilis jalapa, it feels like back to my younger day. Only this time I captured it in a picture.


Achatina fulica, Bekicot


We call it Bekicot. This animal really really really make me mad. My home is next to vegetable plantation and there are lots of Bekicot, Giant Snail. So many of them succeed to move to other places including my house and happily eat my plants. I collect succulents, small one. Just in 1 night, 1 plant are dying because of this animal. I do not know what should I do with them 😦



Talking about snail, once I was offered this menu: snails in turmeric. At first, it looked like yucky but when I had it, it was quite yummy. However, I am not the fun of squishy things, so had it just once, is enough.


pick it

Using small bamboo or toothpick, trying to have the meat out from the shell. It is need effort but once you have it, it is yummy.

Alright, it is not bad for first upload after so long.

2016 will be over soon. I can not say that this year is not a good year for me but I hope (and I will) next year will be more exciting and fun and I regret nothing.

Have a good December, my friends

This entry was posted by anggoen.

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